Fire and Rescue Services Recruitment 2023
Applications are invited online only by ‘One Time Registration’ from qualified candidates belonging to the following reservation community of Kerala State for selection to the post mentioned below. Candidates who have already registered can apply through their profile
Vacancy Details
- Department : Fire and Rescue Services
- Name of Post : Fire and Rescue Officer (Driver) (Trainee)
- Scale of Pay : ₹ 27,900 – 63,700/-
- Number of Vacancies : Statewide Viswakarma : 1 (One Only)
- CATEGORY NO: 614/2022 1st NCA Notification (Direct Recruitment for Viswakarma Community Only)

Age Limit :
18-29. Candidates born between 02.01.1993 and 01.01.2004 (both dates included) are eligible to apply for this post
Qualifications :-
- Must have passed Plus Two or its equivalent examination.
- Must possess valid current Motor Driving Licence with endorsement for driving heavy goods vehicle or heavy passenger vehicle with badge.
Note: Candidates shall possess a current valid Driving Licence throughout all the stages of selection process, ie as on the last date of application, OMR Test, Practical Test, Physical Efficiency Test and Interview etc. Preferential: Diploma in Computer Application
Physical Measurements:
- Height (without Footwear) 165 cms
- Weight 50 kgs
- Chest 81 cms
- Chest Expansion 5 cms
Physical Efficiency Test
A Physical efficiency test will be conducted by the Commission to assess the Physical Efficiency of the candidates. Candidates must qualify in atleast 5 out of 8 items in the physical efficiency test showing the minimum standards of efficiency as noted below.
- 100 Meters race 14 Seconds
- High Jump 132.20 cms
- Long Jump 457.20 cms
- Putting the Shot (7264 gms) 609.60 cms
- Throwing the cricket ball 6096 cms
- Rope Climbing (using hands only) 365.80 cms
- Pull Up or Chinning 8 times
- 1500 metres race 5 minutes and 44 seconds
How To Apply
Candidates must register as per ONE TIME REGISTRATION with the official Website of Kerala Public Service Commission before applying for the post. Candidates who have registered can apply by logging on to their profile using their User-ID and Password. Candidates must click on the ‘Apply Now.Last date of receipt of applications: 01.02.2023 up to 12 midnight
Important Link
- Apply Now : Click Here
- Notification : Click Here
- Latest Jobs : Click Here