AMVI Recruitment 2022 Apply Now
Applications are invited online only from qualified candidates for selection to the undermentioned post. Applications must be submitted online only through the official website of the Kerala Public Service Commission after “ONE TIME REGISTRATION”.
- Name of Department : Motor Vehicles Department
- Name of Post : Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector
- Scale of pay : ₹ 45600 – 95600/-
- Number of vacancies : 30 (Thirty)
- Category No : 517/2022
- Method of appointment : Direct Recruitment

Age limit :
21-36. Only candidates born between 02.01.1986 and 01.01.2001 (both dates included) are eligible to apply for this post with usual relaxation to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Communities.
Educational Qualifications:-
- Pass in SSLC or its equivalent
- A Diploma in Automobile Engineering or Mechanical Engineering (3 year course) awarded by the State Board of Technical Education or any institution recognized by Central Government or State Government.
- OR Any qualification in either of the above disciplines declared as equivalent to the above Diplomas by the Central Government or the State Government.
- Must hold a current valid Driving License authorizing him to Drive Motor Cycle, Heavy Goods Vehicle and Heavy Passenger Motor Vehicle.

Physical Qualification:-
A) Must be Physically Fit and shall possess the following minimum Physical Standards:-
- For Male Height – 165 cm For Female Height – 152 cm
- Chest – 81 cm (normal)(for male candidates only) Chest expansion: 5 cm
Note:For candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe the minimum Height shall be 160 cms for Male candidates and 150 cms for Female candidates.
How To Apply
Candidates must register as per ONE TIME REGISTRATION with the official Website of Kerala Public Service Commission before applying for the post. Candidates who have registered can apply by logging on to their profile using their User-ID and Password. Candidates must click on the ‘Apply Now.Last date of receipt of applications: 18.01.2023 up to 12 midnight
Importamt Link
- Apply Now : Click Here
- Notification : Click Here
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