South Indian Bank Recruitment 2023
South Indian Bank Invites Application for various Post.Eligible applicants are requested to apply ONLINE through Bank’s website
No other means/modes of applications will be accepted. Before the registration, applicants are requested to ensure that there is a valid email id in his/her name. Applicants are advised to use Internet Explorer 7& higher or Mozilla Firefox browsers for the registration of applications.All future communications in this regard will be sent to the registered email id given while applying online.

Initial Shortlisting and Interview A committee formulated by the Bank will conduct the initial shortlisting of the applications based
on the suitability for the roles. Adequate number of shortlisted applicants will be called for Interview. Mere eligibility will not vest any right on the applicant for being called for Interview. Bank reserves the right to make required modifications in selection process considering number of applications for the post and also decide the number of applicants to be called for Interview. In matters regarding eligibility and selection, Bank’s decision will be final and no further
correspondence will be entertained.
Rs.100/-(excluding GST and other applicable charges)Applicants meeting the stipulated norms only need to apply for the post. Application fee once remitted will not be refunded in any case.
Applicants can apply online through Bank’s website only from 07.02.2023 to 28.02.2023 and no other mode of application will be accepted. Ensure that the applicant fulfils all the eligibility criteria. The applicants are requested to ensure that the information provided in the Online-Application Form is correct before submitting the application form. There will not be any provision to modify the submitted online application. Applicants are requested to take utmost care while filling up the online application. Applicants making multiple registrations will be disqualified. Applicants will have to enter their basic details and upload the photograph, signature and Curriculum Vitae (CV) as per the specifications given below. Copies of the photograph may be retained for use at the time of Interview.